Web Updates

Thank you for submitting your page update. Your request will be added to the work order queue. Please allow 5-10 working days for your update to take effect.

University Relations does not upload documents to the online documents library.
We simply create a link that leads from your web page to the document’s spot in the library. Please send only the 4-digit “quicklink” code. (http://its.77d1.com/includes/onlinedocs/display.html?quicklink=1234 <– this part, which is generated when you upload your document to the ODL.)

Update Guidelines

Please do not submit updates for departments other than your own.
Instead, please alert the affected department so that they can submit the changes themselves.

How to submit your changes
For small changes, please fill in the box on the form.
For substantial text changes, please send them in a Word document (no PDFs, please; we will return those), and highlight the changes in yellow.

PDFs are not usable on our website
They strip the formatting completely. We will request that you re-submit updates in Word format.

Formatting for the web
All content must be formatted exactly as it needs to appear on the web page and according to our web standards (time and date; spacing; capitalization etc.).

Please see your web page as a guide. We’re also happy to send you a copy of what we follow.

Timelines for Completion

Updates: Please allow 5-10 working days for updates to take effect.
New pages: Please allow at least 10 working days for layout, creation and launch of each requested page.
Overhauls: Please submit requests 2-3 weeks before due dates.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
The URL is the exact page on our website where you would like this information to appear. Please paste the entire link, starting with http:// For example: http://preneglect.77d1.com/landing-english/
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
University Relations does not upload documents to the online documents library.
I consent to my submitted data being collected and stored