Request for use of University Facilities


The university’s primary mission is to provide access to its facilities for students, faculty, staff and on occasion the general public. The university shall take all appropriate steps to reduce the risk to property and persons. Therefore, at the sole discretion of the university, the university may deny the use of university facilities for any reason up to but not limited to the following reasons:

  1. The event poses undue risk to the facilities, property
  2. The projected occupancy of the event exceeds the capacity of the requested facility
  3. May result in the violation of university policies, federal and state laws or local ordinances
  4. And any other risk that could result in potential harm to the health, safety and well-being of participants, student, faculty, and staff

General administrative guidelines
The Facilities Rental Coordinator is the first point of contact for the use of university facilities, including some classrooms and is authorized to grant approval. To reserve a facility, contact the Facilities Rental Coordinator at 505-454-3062 or email hurentals@77d1.com.  (Do not contact the Registrar’s Office or a specific department to reserve a classroom.)

Fees / minimum per day

Facilities Request Form (PDF)

Class/conference rooms
Regular $125; Commercial $200

Governance room
Regular $125; Commercial $200

Student Center Theater
Regular $125; Commercial $200

Sala de Madrid
Regular $400; Commercial $600

Sanchez Stadium*
Regular $2000; Commercial $3000
*When lights are required:
Regular $2500; Commercial $3500

Student Center Ballroom
Regular $1000; Commercial $1500

Wilson Complex**
Regular $1000; Commercial $3000
**For-profit events–minimum commercial rates apply, plus the cost of any additional facilities/security services. Additionally, 滚球网站 collects 20% of the box office receipts.

Ilfeld Auditorium

Ilfeld Auditorium is listed here for information only. Scheduling MUST be handled with Charles Weber (ccweber@77d1.com). Please see the Ilfeld Auditorium details and review the Ilfeld Agreement here.

Process for Requesting a Facility
All individual(s)/organization(s) interested in using university facilities are required to complete a Facilities Request Form (FRF). The individual signing the form must have authority to bind the individual(s)/organization(s) into the terms and conditions of the FRF, 滚球网站’s policies and procedures, federal, state, and local ordinances. A signed FRF does not guarantee the facility is reserved or that the proposed dates are secured until the form has been viewed and duly authorized by 滚球网站 personnel. It is incumbent that the authorizing individual(s)/organization(s) reads and acknowledges the terms and conditions of the FRF. 滚球网站 has the right to request additional information in order to duly commit the University to the agreement. Misrepresentation of any event information may result in the denial of any future requests.

All individual(s)/organization(s) must submit a completed application, proof of liability insurance if applicable, together with the rental fee at least 14 calendar days prior to the scheduled event. Failure to submit a complete application, as stated above, may result in the loss of the reservation. A late fee will be assessed to all on and off-campus individual(s)/organization(s) that do not file the completed application on time.

If the requester decides to cancel an event after having completed the application and submission of the rental fee, written notification of the cancellation must be provided to the Facilities Rental Coordinator. If the reservation is not cancelled 14 calendar days prior to the scheduled event, the requester forfeits the rental fee.

At the sole discretion of the university, the university has a right to cancel the agreement in whole or in part 45 calendar days (or in case of campus closure due to COVID, fires or floods) prior to the event, with or without cause, with no obligation to reimburse the organization for any cost or expenses incurred as a result of cancellations, or other acts by 滚球网站 employees, except for an earnest payment(s).

No Waiver of Facilities Usage Fees
The waiving of these costs is precluded by the New Mexico Constitution’s Anti-Donation clause, which forbids the university from donating money, goods or services to organizations that are not part of the university. Only 滚球网站 chartered groups/organizations, faculty/staff, and/or departments are allowed to use facilities free of charge. Their right to use facilities free of charge is limited to academic events or other uses that are directly related to the university’s mission. University organizations and departments are not allowed to extend their allowance to use facilities free of charge to non-university individual(s)/organization(s) by co-sponsoring events, unless the event is clearly related to the university’s mission and approved.

Facilities request form (PDF)

Policy for Use of Campus Facilities

Additional rental equipment is no longer available.

Revised 6/21/23

Fire Code Regulations

滚球网站 is required to comply with fire and life safety codes enforced by the New Mexico State Fire Marshal’s Office and the International Fire Code (IFC). The Environmental Health and Safety Department (EHS) conducts inspections of all 滚球网站 facilities on a monthly basis to ensure we are in compliance with fire code and OSHA standards. The individual responsible for the facilities usage form is also responsible for the life and fire safety standards.

The following concepts reflect the most commonly cited violations at 滚球网站 and other universities in New Mexico by the NM State Fire Marshal during an event.  Please look for these items or conditions in your workplace and mitigate them or contact EHS for assistance.

Safe Egress Corridors:   Egress: The action of going out of or leaving a place or the direct means of access out of a place.

  • Maintain all egress corridors in a safe condition, available for immediate utilization and free of all obstructions.
  • Combustibles or hazardous materials should not be stored near any egress corridors.
  • Ensure fire detection systems are not blocked by any obstruction.  Detection devices include fire alarm pull stations, fire alarm strobes, hose connections, safety showers, eyewashes, and other emergency response equipment.

Fire/Heat and Smoke Detectors:  Most buildings on campus maintain a fire alarm system.  With that said, smoke detectors are installed to save life and property by immediately notifying occupants of a smoke or fire incident. IF A FIRE ALARM IS ACTIVATED, EXIT THE BUILDING TO YOUR NEAREST ASSEBLY POINT. THESE CAN BE FOUND ON EVACUATION MAP’S POSTED IN EVERY BUILDING.

Fines: Violators may be fined for failing to comply with fire safety regulations. The amount of the fine can vary based on factors such as the nature of the violation and the size of the building.

Updated 02/21/2024