a partially opened laptop on a dark table

Information Technology Services

ITS Help Desk Contact Information:
Phone: 505-426-2215
Email: ITSHelpDesk@77d1.com

Help Desk Hours of Operation:
Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. – 7 p.m. MDT*
Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. MDT
Saturday: Varies depending on class schedule
Sunday: Closed
*Extended evening and Saturday hours of operation provided during the semester.
*Off-campus extended hours support provided 24x7x365
(Subject to change)

What we do

ITS provides technology support to students, faculty, and staff to include office, classroom, and lab technology (PC, printer, telephone, projector, SmartBoard, etc), network, internet access, account access, Microsoft Office 365 email and the suite of Office products, back-end support for the University’s enterprise resource planning (ERP) and Student Information System (SIS) Banner and back-end support for our learning management system Brightspace.

In addition to providing support for the desktop and mobile computing, ITS is committed to providing proactive support, which includes upgrading and maintaining infrastructure, performing server installations and support, and deploying new software and products.

Resources for Students

Technical Help for Students

Resources for Faculty & Staff

Faculty resources for Brightspace and Zoom

Technical Help for faculty and staff

Submit a work order (Faculty and staff only – students must call the Help Desk)

Information Technology Resource Policies (PDF)