Payment Plans

滚球网站 Student Accounts Receivable office has several payment plans to help you meet due dates. If you need more help, please contact student helpline at 505-454-3444 or via email at SAR@77d1.com.

Payment Plans

Student must pay their account in full by November 3, 2024 or make adequate financial arrangements.

New Mexico Highlands University Business Office offers students the following payment options:

Fall Semester 2024:

  • Two-payment plan option: Due dates September 3, and October 3
  • Three-payment plan option: Due dates September 3, October 3, and November 3

A $25 non-refundable billing fee and account hold will be assessed to the student’s account if the account is not paid in full by November 3rd, 2024.

Payment Plans must be set up online through TouchNet via Self Service Banner. Plan registration for the two-payment and three-payment plan option ends September 2.

If you require assistance with Payment Plans, please contact the Student Helpline at 505-454-3444 or e-mail sar@77d1.com.

Tuition Refund or Reduction Policy

Fall 2024

Note: Any student who is enrolled for the traditional spring term after September 21, 2024 will be liable for all tuition charges assessed as of September 21, 2024 even if the student reduces the number of credit hours after this date.

Refund of tuition and fees (except for special fees and course fees) is made in cases of timely, complete, and official withdrawal from the university. Students who withdraw from the university with official approval may have all or part of their tuition refunded according to the University refund schedule. The spring refund schedule varies according to the session. See a Business Office representative for details or questions.

Complete School Withdrawal Tuition Refund Schedule

August 23, 2024:
100% refund

August 24 – September 1, 2024:
90% refund

September 2 – September 11, 2024:
50% refund

September 12 – September 21, 2024:
25% refund

Thereafter, No refund. For more information on withdrawal policies, contact the Business Office at sar@77d1.com.

Third Party and Tuition Waivers

Students who qualify for deferred payment or whose tuition is paid by a third party outside agency, must submit authorizations to the SAR staff before the start of the semester. Please submit authorization to thirdpartybilling@77d1.com Students who register late must provide this information as soon as possible and no later than the closing period of registration.

Students utilizing employee tuition waivers or dependent tuition waivers must submit completed waivers to the Human Resource Department before the semesters Census date of August 30th, 2024 per University policy.

The SAR department will process all third party and tuition waiver payments after September 21.

How to Enroll Into a Payment Plan TouchNet Online:

  1. Go to 77d1.com
  2. Click on “My滚球网站 Portal”
  3. Click “My Apps”
  4. Click “Pay 滚球网站 Online”
  5. Click on “Enroll in Payment Plan”
  6. Select Term “Fall 2021”
  7. Select “Details” for one desired installment plan (2, 3, or 4 installments).
  8. View details on Payment Plan; such as the amount per
    payment then click “select” to continue
  9. View “Charges and Credits” and “installment due
    dates”(You will be required to set up automatic payments)
  10. Read “Terms and conditions” if you wish to continue
    select “I agree”You have successfully enrolled into a payment plan

How to Make Credit/Debit Card Payments through TouchNet Online:

  1. Go to preneglect.77d1.com
  2. Click on “My滚球网站 Portal”
  3. Click on “my Apps”
  4. Select “Pay 滚球网站 online”
  5. Click on “Make a Payment”
  6. Enter the amount in the box for the term you are paying for
  7. Click “Add” to add the term you want to pay for
  8. Enter the total amount you want to pay in the box provided
  9. Click “Continue”
  10. Select your “Payment Method” (credit or debit card or ACH)
  11. Under “Account Information” enter payment information
  12. After supplying payment information, click “Continue”
  13. Verify that payment amount is correct then “Submit Payment”
  14. When your payment is accepted, you will see the “Payment Confirmation/Receipt” screen
  15. Check your 滚球网站 email for confirmation email

How to Make a Third-Party Payment through TouchNet Online:

  1. Go to preneglect.77d1.com
  2. Click on “MY 滚球网站 Portal”
  3. Click “My Apps”
  4. Select “Pay 滚球网站 Online”
  5. Under “My Profile Setup” select “Authorized Users”
  6. Read the terms and policies
  7. Enter your authorized user’s email
  8. Click “Continue”
  9. Read terms and policies, then select “I Agree”
  10. Click “Continue”
  11. The authorized user will receive a link in their email to set up an account
  12. Authorized user should receive two emails from “OnlinePay”;  keep a record of Username given
  13. User must keep record of temporary password, then click on blue hyperlink to log in
  14. Log in with username and temporary password
  15. Authorized user must set up a profile and change their temporary password
  16. Authorized user is now able to see amount due and is able to make payments

For more information on payment options, contact the Student Accounts Receivable office at 505-454-3444 or e-mail sar@77d1.com or write to:

New Mexico Highlands University
ATTN: Student Accounts Receivable
Box 9000
Las Vegas, NM 87701

Payments, Accounts and Disbursements

Account balances must be paid according to the plans listed in the Payment Plans section. Students with financial assistance should verify their award prior to the published deadlines.

The Business Office accepts cash, checks, money orders, credit cards, (MasterCard, Discover or Visa), wire transfers, financial assistance awards, and written authorizations to bill external agencies to cover balances. A $25 billing fee and account hold will be assessed to the student’s account if the account is not paid in full by November 3rd, 2024.

The University reserves the right to cancel a student’s registration if the account is not paid in full or payment arrangements have not been made.

The student financial aid disbursement may be sent to the student’s financial institution via direct deposit. If you would like to enroll in this service, please complete and submit the enrollment form no later than Friday, August 23, 2024. The form and required documents may be submitted as follows: in-person delivered to Business Office located in the Mass Communications Building at 901 University Avenue across from Ilfeld Auditorium, or via mail to:

ATTN: Student Accounts Receivable
Box 9000
Las Vegas, NM 87701.

All fees are subject to change.

Returned Checks

A $25 service charge will be processed for all returned checks. The university will not accept checks from a student once a service charge is applied to that student’s account.

E-statements are sent monthly to your 滚球网站 Live student email. Logon to the website preneglect.77d1.com, Student Login, to view the statements.