Business Office
New information: Housing and Meal Plan Credit Adjustments during COVID-19
What do we do at the Business Office?
Anything to do with money. We handle fee payments – online, cash, check, direct deposit – and other such questions.
Temporary business operations information:
Student Accounts Receivable
Student Accounts Receivable Contact Info:
Phone: 505-454-3444. Please leave voicemail and SAR will respond via email. Email: sar@77d1.com
Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Student Accounts Receivable will remain available to provide support for students, faculty, and staff, while working from home. Support staff will be available by email. In-person support will not be available.
Student Accounts Receivable does not expect a reduction in services, with the exception of in-person support. Staff will be able to assist with the following services:
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Business Office Comptroller/Accountant
The Business Office Accountants will remain available to provide support for students, faculty, and staff, while working from home. Staff will be available by email. In-person support will not be available. We do not expect a reduction in services, with the exception of in-person support. Staff will be able to assist with the following services:
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Who We Are:
The Business Office handles all external funding such as grants, capital projects, agencies, loans, and endowments. We ensure the university is in compliance with all federal, state and other mandated policies. We serve not only our students, but faculty, staff and outside agencies as well.
In short, Business Office is responsible for overseeing all financial transactions taking place on campus.
Services We Offer
Fee payment – online, cash, check, direct deposit, etc., financial inquiries and any other monetary activities.
Student Account and Financial Responsibility information page
Faculty and Staff:
When approving paperwork (PR, check requests, petty cash, BAR, and PA-1) for compliance, our area applies all federal, state, and other mandated policies. We work closely with the following departments:
Grants – PI(s) and their administrative assistance, the Grants and Contracts office, as well as the funding agency
Capital Projects – Sylvia Baca, Facility Director, and Tonda Dale, as well as, HED, DFA, and other funding agencies
Endowments – 滚球网站 Foundation and HED
Loans – Financial Aid
Agency – Director of Agency
Contact information:
For Students:
Please call the Student Help Center at 505-454-3444 or by email at sar@77d1.com.
For Faculty and Staff:
For questions regarding grants and capital projects, please contact the following:
Eleanor Duran, Accountant III (505-454-3328)
Andrea Medina, Accountant I (505-454-3417)
Office Hours and Location:
The Business office is located at University Communications West Bldg. The office is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Helpful Links
Business Forms:
Banner Web Access Authorization Form (PDF)
Budget Adjustment Request Form (PDF)
Budget Authorization Signatures Form (PDF)
Direct Deposit Authorization (PDF)
Employees Only
Restricted Funds Active Grants (Excel)
Active Unrestricted Departments (Excel)
Purchasing information:
Travel information:
Q: How do I make online payment?
A: You can make online payment through self-service banner at: http://banweb.77d1.com
Q: What is the cost of tuition and fees at Highlands?
A: Please refer to university’s online tuition and fee schedule for updated costs.
Q: How can I set up a payment plan?
A: Please visit Business Office during office hours to discuss payment plan options.
Q: When can I receive my post box and housing deposit fee back?
A: Upon successfully terminating your post box service, you’ll receive deposit refund from cashier’s office. For housing, it will automatically be credited to your account as soon as directed by housing department.
Q: Why do I have Business Office hold on my account?
A: Business Office holds are placed on all accounts with a balance over $200.00
Q: Why do I have to make a payment to my student account if I am receiving financial aid?
A: Making a payment to your student account balance secures your enrollment for the semester.